Обработка и анализ данных физического эксперимента 2024/2025

Обработка и анализ данных физического эксперимента 2024/2025

Совместный код Б-713 (Ya)

Совместный код Б-713 (Vk)

Совместный код Б-719 (Ya)

Совместный код Б-719 (Vk)

Устаревшая «упрощённая» программа курса

Онлайн-составляющая: Учебник по Анализу данных (Базовый)

Черновик конспекта лекций

Практические задания



Дополнительные материалы к курсу

Независимый экзамен


Install Python

Remember to use Python 3, 3.11 and later is good enough in 2025. You can check python version typing in console python3 --version or import sys; print(sys.version) in Python itself

All platforms

  • Anaconda Python distribution is a good choice for scientific Python programming on every platform. It includes a lot of pre-compiled numerical and scientific packages and conda package manager where you can find even more packages, like astropy or scikit-learn
  • Official Python distribution: good on Windows or macOS, when you like to build your environment from scratch.


Instead of official Python distribution I recommend to use Homebrew package manager, type brew install python


Probably you already have Python 3, check its version before start. If you haven’t use your Linus package manager to install

Source code editors for Python

  • IDLE: a simple Python source code editor. It is a part of Python standard library, so if you have Python, you probably have IDLE
  • Visual Studio Code (do not be confused with Visual Studio, they are two different products): a powerful source code editor
  • Spyder: the scientific Python development environment
  • PyCharm: a powerful Python IDE (integrated development environment). PyCharm is closed source product, but Community edition is free to use and every student and professor can ask for a free professional version
